Tuesday, January 21, 2025

A Happy New Year with the Prince Family

 The Prince family came down for a few days to celebrate New Years with us.  We had such a fun time.

Our traditional New Years day breakfast is aebelskivers.  That means apple pancakes in Norwegian and comes from our Norwegian heritage.  We made them when I was growing up.  At each of our daughters' bridal showers, I gave them an aebelskiver pan and each of them have continued the New Years morning tradition!

The Prince family has adopted Ken's hobby of bird watching and they loved viewing the birds that Ken entices to our backyard with feeders of many kinds.

This little guy is a bit of a prodigy.  He learned chording in Let's Play Music and LOVES to compose.  He learned a blues song in his piano lessons.  He plays that, then improvises on it for another 10 minutes, changing chords and keys.

They had so much fun at our local dinosaur museum.  Dinosaurs once roamed the land that we live on and dinosaur tracks have been found nearby.  Many were found on the Johnson farm just a couple of miles from our home.  They created a museum to display the treasures.

Learning from the cousins that came at Thanksgiving, they went up to the Red Hill each day and hiked.  They LOVED it!

We had such beautiful days and weather.

More pictures from the dinosaur museum.

Peek a boo

Gabbi and Fred

Fred loved hiking the Red Hill with the family.  He came home with pink feet and legs!

We ordered pizza for New Years eve and made a salad.  Later, we had root beer floats, cheeseball and crackers, and treats.

We played fun games together.

The kids loved playing on the Wii too.

Then went downstairs to watch the ball drop in NYC.

New Years Day brought fun.  We spent the morning making and eating our delicious traditional aebelskivers.  Michelle, Gabbi, and I took turns cooking them.

Gabbi loves to cook.  (The kitchen looks like a bomb went off!)

Ken did the bacon.

It was a delicious breakfast.  Afterward, they packed up and left, hoping to beat the predicted storm.  How we love having them come!
Happy New Year to one and all!

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Oh how we love spending time with you! You are so good at documenting everything. We love you guys!!