Thursday, June 16, 2022

Oslo, Norway


All six of us bought tickets and boarded a hop on, hop off bus in Oslo, Norway on Monday, April 25th.  Melanie and Kevin got off first.  As I looked at the map of the stops, I saw the Norsk Folk Museum.  That's what I want to do!  I want to see how my ancestors lived.  Ken and I got off there.  Almost my entire ancestry is from Norway.  It was one of the places I was most excited to visit on this entire trip.  I had literally prayed for guidance for how best to spend our time while in Oslo.  The Folk Museum seemed perfect!
View of our ship from the bus.

We took a few pictures of city sites before getting off at the museum.

On the tour bus

Oslo Cathedral

Tower of Oslo Cathedral

University of Oslo

Part of the university

Norsk Folk Museum

The museum was actually a complex of several museums set on a large, beautiful acreage.  Ken was most interested in exploring the grounds that displayed an authentic Norwegian village and looking for birds.  I wanted to go inside each of the museums, so we separated.  First are pictures of things I saw.  The first small museum I went in showed paper dolls and other toys Norwegian children would have played with:


The second museum displayed clothing, folk art, tapestries, household items, art, and even weaponry.  I loved it all.

Norwegian clothing

I loved this toll painted trunk

Even the chamber pot was painted beautifully

Beautiful knit sweaters

Tapestries and toll painted chairs

Painted door

Another beautifully painted trunk.  I am in love with this art.

Other artifacts:
The third area had beautiful displays of mannequins and/ or vintage clothing among paintings, dishes, and other household items.  It was beautifully done.

I loved this beautiful cabinet/ doll house

The dishes and serving pieces were gorgeous

Everything was displayed so beautifully

This doll house was amazing.  

In the center of the museums was a courtyard.  Blossoms were just appearing.

Waiting on the bench where Ken and I agreed to meet.

Ken enjoyed exploring outside.  These were actual cabins or homes that they moved here, creating an authentic Norwegian village.

After meeting again, I shopped in the gift shop.  I loved looking at all of the Norwegian items and bought a few things.

I bought this Norwegian pillow cover.  It is a replica of a Norwegian wedding or marriage rug used in the wedding ceremony.  I came home and bought a pillow insert to display in my living room.

I bought a replica of an embroidered purse displayed in the museum.

Our views from our balcony while docked

The sail away

The sunset that evening was gorgeous

Here is what I wrote about this day in my journal.  Some of it will be repetitive, but it preserves the emotions I felt in visiting the land of my heritage:
" I feel so humbled and blessed to be in Norway- so very blessed.  After breakfast all of us went out on a hop on/hop off bus to see the city.  Ken and I got off at the Norway Folk Museum.  It was the perfect activity for us- for me.  I loved all of the displays that showed how my ancestors would have lived.  I was in tears half the time.  I also loved buying some Norwegian souvenirs: a small purse that was a replica of one displayed in the museum, a pillow that is a replica of a wedding rug or marriage rug, and a beautiful candle holder.  I was so, so happy!  It filled my soul."


Kristen Mackrory said...

Thank you for sharing these beautiful details. It brings tears to MY eyes hearing how special it was to you and seeing the classic Norwegian things. I love your souveniers! I want to see the candle holder though!

Pam said...

What a marvelous museum! So many beautiful dishes and hand-painted objects displaying the talents, style and spirit of "our people"! I can see why you loved it! I love your souvenirs and they will remind you for the rest of your life about our wonderful heritage!

Ada said...

We have loved going through the cruise with you thus far and seeing pictures of the things we didn’t see as well as ones of the places we saw together! Thanks for all your hard work getting it put together here so we can enjoy it in this form. Wonderful memories!