Friday, March 14, 2025

The Flu Took Us Out

Ken came home from our cruise with what we thought was just a cold.  But then I came down with it and got really sick.  I had fever and chills as well as the classic symptoms.  We were both sick the whole next week, taking us out of a lot of things that we love and hated to miss:

Tuesday:  We had to get substitutes for our temple sealing assignments.  We hate to miss that.

Wednesday:  I couldn't go to Keynote rehearsal which I love.  

We were supposed to leave after Keynotes to go to Salt Lake City.  We were going to watch Jaron play in his ballgame that evening. 

Friday:  We had tickets to attend Beauty and the Beast that evening.  Gabbi was playing the part of the Enchantress, as well as several other parts.  We were so excited to see her.

Saturday:  We were planning to leave Salt Lake Saturday morning to get home in time to attend my sister Pam's 80th birhtday party here in St. George.  Man, we hated to miss that.  It would have been so fun to see all of her family and be part of that big celebration.

Sunday:  Our primary was singing in sacrament meeting.  I play the piano for the Primary.  I had to get a substitute.

That afternoon, we had an appointment with the couple that we  ministers to.  We LOVE to go to their home each month.  They are working so hard to get active in the church and to go to the temple.  Ken was feeling better enough to keep the appointment and teach the last preparation lesson on the Melchizedek priesthood (we had already cancelled the Sunday before because Ken was sick and hated to hold up their progress.)  Our friend Dean went with him.  I felt so sad to miss it!

I started going out a bit on Tuesday and Wednesday, but still was quite congested and coughing.  But, as you can see, that mean old flu or Covid or whatever it was took us out of some very special important things.😢   I have a few pictures of the above events that others sent me:

Gabbi in Beauty and the Beast:

When we saw this picture, both of us thought our Gabbi looked so much like our Michelle.  This was her role as the Enchantress.

She had several roles- as a townsperson

And dancer.

And she was a dancing napkin.

Dang she's cute.  We sure hated to miss this.


Be our guest!

After play hugs from her brother.

It was hard to get a picture of her beautiful Enchantress costume, so they got it after.

We were grateful Pam and Roger posted some pictures of Pam's big bash.  How we hated to miss it!

Pam and Roger's family.

I love my sister Pam.  She has always been one of my heroes.  She certainly doesn't look 80 years old!

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