Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Branson, Missouri

 Ken and I had a fun getaway in Branson, Missouri while our temple was closed.  We flew to Dallas, then Springfield, Missouri, then drove an hour to Branson where we stayed in a nice hotel.

We enjoyed eight shows while there.  Here is the list in order of what we enjoyed the most to least.  

1. Queen Esther- a huge, beautiful production of the story of Queen Esther in the bible.  The sets, costuming, actors and singers were all Broadway quality and absolutely breathtaking.

2. The Duttons- a beautiful family show.  A wholesome. joyful show full of great talent all from one family.  Incidentally, the family originates from Hurricane- Ken's hometown.

3.  John Denver tribute show -

 We felt we were in John Denver's living room and he was singing to us.

4. The Carpenters tribute show.  The lady that sang Karen was really good and sounded just like her.

5. Neil Diamond tribute show

6.  The Haygoods- a family show.  Amazing effects.  Big and loud.

 7. Six- 6 brothers that sing acapella.  Too loud.

8. Abba tribute show.  Though we enjoy Abba music, these performers really weren't as high quality.

Following are some random pictures from our week in Branson:

Neil Diamond show

Photos taken at intermission at Queen Esther, showing the marvelous sets

These lanterns were hung from the ceiling all around the huge auditorium

This was one of my favorite scenes in Queen Esther- a parade across stage with a very realistic looking elephant.

We thought it was funny that there were so many handicapped parking stalls and others labeled for senior citizens only.

Shaking hands with the Neil Diamond actor

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