Sunday, May 5, 2024

I Am a Man

The Prince family has taken up skiing.  Brian grew up skiing and wants his family to enjoy it too.  They went several times this winter.  They wondered how William, age 6 would do.  They found out the kid has no fear.  He loves it.  Brian taught him to put his ski tips together to slow or stop.  He barrels down the mountain with his tips together- like a pizza!
He was doing "green" hills and begged his dad to take him on a "blue" hill- the next step up. " I know I'm ready."  So Brian took him on a blue hill.  He instructed him to go side to side to keep his speed down.  William took off-straight down the mountain with his skis in pizza.  Brian said he had to ski fast to keep up with him.  
On another run, Jaron skied by him.  He could hear him singing at the top of his voice, "I am a man!"  The kid was in heaven- swishing down the mountain and singing his heart out!  I think he has taken to skiing.


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