Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Family Reunion- Monday, July 5, 2021

 Monday was a day packed with the spirit, talent, and fun, fun, fun!

We started the day with a devotional presented by Kristen.  Our Come, Follow Me topic for the week was D&C 76- best section ever!

Kristen divided us in groups and gave each group a puzzle piece.  On the back of the piece was a scripture reference.  We looked it up to find out the qualifications to get in the Celestial Kingdom.

We wrote it on the puzzle piece, then put the puzzle together.

We then had our annual talent show.  Each person's talent is always followed by a group hug.  Everyone and their talent are celebrated.

Lily is getting so good on the piano.  I am thrilled to see that she has an excellent sense of rhythm.  It is hard to teach that.  It seems that it is innate.

 One day, Michelle was driving Gabbi and Jaron to piano lessons.  They were listening to classical radio.  A beautiful piano piece came on the radio.  Michelle said, "Which of my kids is going to learn this and play it for me?"  Gabbi said, "I will."  When they got to piano lessons, Gabbi told her teacher the name of the piece:  Dancing on the Light.  Her teacher googled it and sent the link for the music to Michelle.  Michelle purchased it and printed it and Gabbi started working.  She worked and worked. She played about half of it for us.  We were all blown away!  She is working on the other half now.

Nathan has a gift for doing Rubicks cubes.  He is amazing.

Kenny ran his remote control car for us.  I love this picture with everyone holding up their legs for him.

I played a piece on the piano.

I did it for the hug.

Shonna's hug

Brielle played Bach beautifully.

Lisi's talent was keepy uppy- keeping a balloon in the air.  See below for video.  So cute~

Samuel loves that his name is the same as Samuel, the Lamanite.  He sang that verse from "Follow the Prophet."

Shonna, this year, has taught herself how to play the ukelele.

William danced.  Watch to end as he created a bruhaha, where many joined in.
I feel bad that I didn't get pictures of the rest of the talents.  Everyone did a great job.  I'm not sure what happened.

In the afternoon, was water games in Prince's back yard.  Everyone had such a great time.  It ended in a huge water fight:  everyone against Brian and Blake.
Brian's parents loaned us this great blow up water slide.

Grandma and Grandpa are Kings X- the safe place.  I did have the grandkids hug me a few times to cool me down.

Blake and Shonna had fun water games planned.  In this one they had to swing the ball in the nylon from their heads to knock over the water bottle.

In this one you had squirt the beach ball across the lawn to your teammate.

Carry the cups without spilling and dump them in the bucket

It was such a fun afternoon!!
Ken and I were in charge of Family Home Evening after dinner.  Our theme was our theme song and "I am a child of God."  Many spontaneously formed a massage chain as we sang.  I will post a video of us singing our theme song.

We showed the "I am a child of God" video from the church website.

For activity, we played an old family favorite (taught to us by the Rick Hintons) - Pinchy, fisty, flatty, cutty, cow.  We divided into groups.

We then went outside in the backyard to celebrate the fourth with sparklers and pop its.  The kids had such a fun time playing, running with sparklers, popping, and ride-on toys.

Michelle and Brian have lots of ride-on toys and a basketball court to ride them on.

And, of course, a trampoline.

This wins for best sparkler picture!

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