Saturday, June 12, 2021

Ken's Bike Accident

 Ken's mountain bike broke.  It is old and the frame just cracked.  It is safer than his road bike, and I much prefer he ride that.  But, since the mountain bike was broken, he had to ride his road bike the day after we returned from Colorado.  He was on a trail out near Star Nursery.  He came around a corner too fast and went down hard on his right side.  He was badly scraped and bruised, but luckily, there were no broken bones.  His helmet took a beating, but protected his head.  He got wounds on his right shoulder, both hands (the gloves protected, but there were still knuckle wounds), both elbows, his  thigh, knee and calf.  His right hip/thigh had a huge bruise that proved to be a real problem later (that's foreshadowing!)

We cleaned the wounds and got him patched up.  For the next week or so, he hurt.  It was difficult for him to find a comfortable position to sit and to sleep at night.  He didn't go on his usual four- mile daily walks that week, but because he is preparing to go on a biking trip to Pennsylvania soon, he felt like he needed to keep doing his 30+ mile bike rides every other day.  Though he could tell that knee was swollen, he did pretty well on the bike.  But walking was painful.
But then, after a few days, the pain inside his knee became intense.  He had two sleepless nights.  We were supposed to leave on another trip, but he was in too much pain.  He tried to get in with his orthopedic doctor, but he had no openings until the end of June.  Our neighbor suggested we go to instacare.  Why hadn't we thought of that?  So, on Tuesday night- one week after the accident- we went to instacare.  

They xrayed the knee and determined there were no broken bones.  The doctor there got him in at the sports medicine clinic the very next morning.  The PA there gave him a cortisone shot in the knee.  We left on Thursday to go to Logan for our dental appointments and then from there to my sibling reunion.  Gradually, the knee improved and healed, but it still is quite painful.  It is so difficult for Ken to stay off of it.  He hates facing an inactive lifestyle.  He is, as we speak, on a bike adventure: Pennsylvania to Washington DC.    Please pray for him!

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