Sunday, December 13, 2020


 Thanksgiving certainly was different this year.  Kristen invited us to come to Colorado and spend it with them.  Blake and Shonna always come and spend it with us, but they planned to go to Colorado as well.  But then Covid numbers rose and we all decided we best stay home.  So Ken and I went in pursuit of a turkey breast.  I put it on Walmart pick up orders at two different Walmart stores in town, and both of them said they were out of stock.  We tried Costco, with no luck.  We finally scored one, quite a large one at Harmons.  We were excited about our Thanksgiving meal.  We made apple and pecan pie, cranberry sauce, and yams on Wednesday.  
We got up Thursday and I went to put the turkey in the instapot.  Shonna (she's pretty much an expert on the instapot) coached me through the whole thing.  But our turkey breast was just too big.  

We could get the lid on, but it was definitely over the fill line.  So we decided to use the slow cooker feature on the instapot.  That meant Thanksgiving would be for dinner, not in the early afternoon, as planned.  No problem.  So I put the lid on and trusted it to cook.
I had already started on the rolls, so I finished those, then took a nap.

All afternoon I kept checking the turkey.  It didn't seem to be doing much.  We set the table and waited.
And waited.
And waited.  
Finally, about 6:00 I could see the turkey just wasn't cooking.  I got out the meat thermometer.  It was at 141 and needed to be at 165.  We decided to take the turkey out of the instapot and put it in on a roasting pan in the oven and cranked up the heat.  I should have done that much earlier.  I just kept thinking it would cook.  Ken did the mashed potatoes and we finished up the rest of the meal.  Finally at about 7:30pm the little pop up thermometer popped.  I documented the time below.

We finally sat down to eat our Thanksgiving meal at almost 8:00 pm.  Never has a Thanksgiving meal tasted better!  Wow!  It was good.  I call it the Aunt Minnie Syndrome.

Aunt Minnie Syndrome

My mother’s Aunt Minnie lived in Salt Lake City.  She was my mom’s aunt, a daughter of Andreas Peterson.  She married Parley P. Pratt’s son, so her name was Minnie Pratt.  So, we are kind of related to Parley P. Pratt.  But anyway, she would invite my parents to come to dinner from Logan.  She would say, “Be there at 5.”  But then wouldn’t serve dinner until 8 or so.  They would be so hungry t hat they thought Aunt Minnie the best cook in the world!  It’s really not a bad strategy.

I got a little cranky the last couple of hours.  We hadn't had lunch and I was hungry.  But, other than that, it was a very nice Thanksgiving !

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