Saturday, December 26, 2020

Bomba Socks

 I have struggled finding socks that I like.  I have socks that I'm sure are over twenty years old that I still wear because they are comfortable and work for me. They are getting holes.  I have bought many others and just not liked them.  With low -ride athletic socks, or no shows, I had such a hard time with them slipping off my heel.  This was especially a problem when we were on our mission to Japan.  My socks were always slipping into my shoes, making me miserable.  I kept seeing these Bomba socks advertised and decided to give them a try.

These are the athletic bombas.  I ordered a multi-pack of various colors and fell in love with them.  All through the summer months, I wore them every day.  They stay put on my heels, making walking so comfortable.  
I put them on my "Favorite things" list and started writing this post.  This was a few months ago.  
Then I noticed that the navy pair was developing holes.

Bomba socks are expensive AND they are guaranteed. I decided I'd better not write a favorite things post about them if they were going to get holes in them.
 But I contacted the company and sent the above pictures.  Within just a few days I received a whole new set of the athletic socks.  Not just the blue ones, but the whole pack! 

I was so impressed with the customer service and am still impressed with the socks.  They are slightly padded and I love how they feel on my feet, giving them support.  They are definitely back on list of favorite things.  Another thing I love about the company is that they donate socks to homeless shelters- thousands and thousands of them.  
Bomba socks- one of my favorite things!


Pal & Hatty said...

I will have to try those!

Michelle said...

These sound amazing!