Thursday, June 20, 2019

Memorial Day Weekend

We loved spending Memorial Day weekend with the Prince family who came to visit.
They came up early Saturday morning and immediately left for a hike in Zion National Park.

Little Kenny walked almost all of the 5+ miles and led the way most of the way.  The Prince kids are hikers.


Hiking is hard

The Kennys

Precious William

Though Kenny did great on this 5+ mile hike, he got a little tired by the end.  So Brian carried two boys plus himself out of there.

All tuckered out
We had a barbecue that evening at our house.  I forgot to take pictures.
Walking home from church
On Monday morning, Brian and Michelle went for a run and we played around our house for awhile.

Grandpa took the kids to the park to play baseball, just like he used to do with our girls.  They came back and wanted to show Grandma their skills. 

They all got good hits.

They moved out into our cul de sac so they could run.  Notice the just hit ball above the van.

Notice the wet cement.  The cool weather is so unusual in St. George.

We then went to decorate the Hinton graves.

Ken paying respects in Hurricane cemetery

We all went to the cemetery to pay our respects and put colorful pinwheels on Hinton graves.

Each child placed a pinwheel

Ken's parents/ grave..  It was windy, sprinkling and cold.

Kids eat free on Mondays at Café Sabor, so we headed there.

It was raining pretty hard as we left the restaurant, but when we got out to our house it had cleared enough that they all went on a 6+ mile bike ride.

The little guys ride in style

While they rode, I took a much-needed nap.
After the bike ride, the boys helped Grandpa mow the lawn and sweep up.

It was a fun and unseasonably cool Memorial Day weekend with the Prince family.  Thanks for coming!!!

1 comment:

Pal & Hatty said...

What a great weekend and celebration of Memorial Day. Michelle and Brian have such a cute family! I can tell from the pictures that you and Ken are great grandparents!!