Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Little Men

Little Men (Little Women #2)
Little Men by Louisa May Alcott

My rating: 3 of 5 stars
I just finished rereading this classic for our upcoming online family book club meeting. It is so fun to leave our modern world for a while and go back in time to Jo's boarding school of "Little Men." Though I don't think I like this book as much as "Little Women," it is fun to read the adventures of the boys and to see two unselfish people (Jo and her husband, Fritz Bhaer) devote themselves entirely to parenting and teaching. Our modern world could use more of their kind. Let me illustrate with a few of my favorite quotes from the book:
". . . for she believed that the small hopes and plans and pleasures of children should be tenderly respected by grown-up people, and never rudely thwarted or ridiculed."
". . .no matter how lost and soiled and worn-out wandering sons may be, mothers can forgive and forget every thing as they fold them in their fostering arms. . . . "
"She felt instinctively that the more the boy was restrained the more he would fret against it; but leave him free, and the mere sense of liberty would content him, joined to the knowledge that his presence was dear to those whom he loved best."
Reading this book is, besides being entertaining and delightful, a bit of a course in parenting.
I always finish reading "Little Women" a bit troubled that Jo didn't accept Laurie's marriage proposal. This book, set much later in life, makes me feel better that all worked out for the best. Jo and Fritz are soul mates and a perfect team. Laurie also seems happy in his life. Even there is a life-lesson.

View all my reviews


Pal & Hatty said...

Great review! I have read "Little Women" but never "Little Men" so I was glad to learn more about that book!

Shonna said...

I'm not too far into this yet. It's hard to read with my busy kiddos around. I like it so far. Good morals taught.