Saturday, September 8, 2012

Hinton Family Reunion, 2012 Saturday: At Home Day

Gabbi did great with us all day on Friday, but she was sure glad to see her parents when she woke up on Saturday.

Hugs for Daddy

We started the day by taking pictures

We then went on a Scavenger hunt.  Kids were partnered with adults.  Jared and Kristen had Caleb and Jaron

Blake and Brian had Jacob

Grandma had Gabbi and Shonna had Brielle  (One of the things we were supposed to find is something that made noise.  We heard an airplane.)

Grandpa and Nathan were partners.  

Nathan's spoils

We spent the rest of the day relaxing, packing and cleaning and getting ready for Sunday and to leave the next day.  On Sunday, we packed up and got out by 10:30am.  We all attended church together, then had to say goodbye to go our separate ways.  But not for long!  The party continued as you'll see in the next post.  But that won't  be tonight.  These have taken me all day.  I'm going to bed.  We did lots of other fun activities that there aren't pictures of, too throughout the week- like guessing each other's favorites songs (Kristen made a playlist of them all) and they all made a nice book for us, each telling something they've learned from each of us- complete with beautiful pictures.  It's a treasure.  The kids all make "People Who Love Me" books.  They had their picture taken with each member of the family to go in their book that they can look at at church.  Kristen and Jared were in charge and did a MARVELOUS job planning it all.  Thank you so much for your work and preparation.  Thanks everyone for a happy, happy reunion!!!!!


Pam said...

Holy Cow, Kay! What a wonderful Family Reunion! I loved reading all of the details of your time all together! The scavenger hunt is such a great idea!

Michelle said...

Thanks for making it possible for us to meet, for providing the food AND the location! Lots of happy, happy memories.

Pal & Hatty said...

What great reunion! Everyone looks so happy! I love the picture of you and Ken and all your grandkids!