Friday, January 6, 2012

Recording Artists

The Keynotes had fun the other day going to a recording studio to record our Christmas album. It's something Jennett in the group has wanted to do for a long time, so we saved our money from paid gigs and did it this week. The whole goal was that our children would have a nice recording of us- not just our unprofessional rehearsal recordings to remember us by. It turned out pretty well, too. There are a couple of songs I'd like to do over, but most of it sounds pretty good. Here are some pictures of our recording session:
Our wonderful accompanist, Marsha.
Me recording my solo
It was a little scary as we left the studio as we had to beat off the paparazzi- I guess word got out! Ha! Ha! Let me know if you want a copy!


Shanny said...

YOU'VE HIT THE BIG TIME! What a fun adventure.

Kristen Mackrory said...

I LOVE your solo picture. How cool is that?!? I definitely want one!

Michelle said...

I want a copy. Can I touch you since your famous?

Pam said...

Yes, yes, yes! Sign me up! I love to listen to Keynotes!