Thursday, June 27, 2024

Lisi Breaks Her Arm

 Kristen took the girls to Utah over the Memorial Day weekend.  Jared had the boy with him canoeing the boundary waters in Minnesota. All three families gathered in South Jordan at Michelle and Brian's house for a fun weekend. On Memorial Day, Kristen took Lisi to play in the park near Michelle's house.  She fell off the monkey bars.  She cried in pain, wouldn't move it, and the slightest movement caused her pain.  She told her mom that her arm was broken.  Carrying her back to the van, Lisi cried with every step.  So Kristen took her to the Insta-Care.  They x-rayed her arm, and sure enough, Lisi's ulna bone was broken.  They put it in a splint and told her to contact a doctor when they got home to get it cast.

Later that afternoon, they all attended a cousin get-together at Bryan and Noel Hinton's home in Highland.  You can see Lisi is in a splint.

After they got back to Colorado, they went to the doctor to get the arm cast. Lisi was SO thrilled to get to have a bright pink cast.  Before they went to have it cast, Kristen had shown her a picture of the different colors of casts to choose from.  She immediately chose pink.  But then she worried they would run out of pink before she got hers. When she got home from the doctor, she couldn't wait to have everyone in her family sign her cast.  

Here, some of Lisi's friends are signing.  Lisi was just thrilled.

I love this picture.  It is frameable.  Kristen protected the cast by putting it in a plastic bag so that Lisi could still enjoy the water park.
She captured an amazing photo of her.

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