Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Joan and Tom Come to Visit

 My sister, Joan, and her husband, Tom came to visit March 24th-27th.  It has been tradition since our children were tiny that they come to visit each spring.  Because of Covid, they haven't been here for a few years.  We had such a nice time.

On Thursday evening, we met Pam and Roger at Rib and Chop and had a nice dinner together.  We then came back to our home for dessert.

On Friday, we took Joan on a tour of Washington county while Tom golfed at Sun River golf course.  That is our new Red Cliffs temple in the distance.

They had never been to Pine Valley, so on Saturday, we drove to Pine Valley.  

Joan had read about Bryce, who was asked to build the Pine Valley chapel.  He was a ship builder, so designed it as an upside-down ship.

We had to find our nephew, Bryan's cabin.  It is beautiful.

We then drove up to visit the sobering Mountain Meadows Massacre site.

We then drove to Enterprise to eat at the famous Marv's.  Though a long wait, it was delicious!

That evening Ken barbecued chicken for dinner.  We also had roasted vegetables, cucumber salad, and orange jell-o salad.  For dessert, we ate little pies we purchased from some polygamist girls selling them in Enterprise.

It was so fun to have Joan and Tom come.  We love them so much!


Pam said...

So glad we got to have dinner with you all! Looks as if you had such a fun time together!

Shonna said...

I remember every spring break with them when I was younger! Pam and Roger would be there sometimes too. Fun memories!💞