Sunday, May 17, 2020

Ken vs. Mouse

"Well, so much for social distancing,"  Ken says as he comes home from his morning walk the other day.  He then tells of his experience.  As Ken walked by, a neighbor a few blocks over was out on her lawn, looking very distraught.  "Will you please help me?" she asked Ken. She then explained that when she opened her front door that morning a mouse was there and ran right into her house.  She blocked it off so that it was trapped in her living room, with only one escape- back out the front door.  But she couldn't get it to come out.  Ken asked for some gloves which she got him and he went to battle.  He chased, moved couches (you need to know that Ken is known for his quickness.  He's fast too, but quickness is different.  It's the ability to react and change direction quickly.)  That mouse never stood a chance.  Ken would dive at it, only to have it jump out of the way just in time.  As it ran by, Ken got it with his boot, which stunned it, so he was able to pick it up with his gloved hand and take it outside.  He had conquered the mighty mouse.  The lady was most grateful, as you can imagine. The mouse was not.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Victory!! Hail the conquering hero! πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌ