Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Rachel Ray's Garbage Bowl

I haven't for years, but I used to watch Rachel Ray's show.  Is it still on?  Anyway, she always talked about having a bowl by where you are cooking for waste, garbage and trash- saving yourself many trips to the garbage can.  You put it all in there, then just make the trip to the trash can once and dump it.  I actually found one that Rachel Ray sells at Kohl's on sale several years ago.  I have loved this thing.  I do use it as she suggests, but I use it for other stuff, too. I peel potatoes and carrots right into it.  I put all the cooking trash in it as I cook.  It saves so many trips to the garbage can.  I keep it washed by the sink.  When I need to wash a few small things, I use it for a washing bowl.  I use to warm eggs to bring them to room temperature when I'm baking. I cool blanched vegetables in it.  It is just right there, easy to grab, and is deep, so it works for lots of stuff.  I would have a hard time cooking without it.  Get yourself a garbage bowl.  It is one of my favorite things!  You can find it here:  It comes in several colors, but of course I chose red.

Here it is full after making a soup.

To see other of my favorite things, click here.

1 comment:

Kristen Mackrory said...

Mmm. I love the blue one! What a great idea! I LOVE hearing people's favorites in the kitchen. I've decided I have a fettish with kitchen gadgets that make my life easier. I have a bowl with a handle that I LOVE. My immersion blender is another favorite kitchen thing.