Saturday, May 23, 2015

Only Begin

This mantra is so helpful to me.  It seems the hardest part of any difficult project is just getting started.  This mantra is attributed to John Shaw Billings who must have lived by this mantra as he founded the first comprehensive library of medicine.  Now that was a big project!  "Only begin" is so comforting to me:  I don't have to do the whole thing right now; just begin.  Often when I get started, then I want to finish and do finish, but it helps me to tell myself that I don't HAVE to complete it right now, ONLY BEGIN.

For other mantras, click here.


Pam said...

Love this! This one is for me! That is the hardest part of anything for me - to just begin!

Pal & Hatty said...

Great mantra! I need to remember this on!!

Joan Morris said...

I love this one. You are really good at picking mantras.