Thursday, April 9, 2015

A Quick Trip to Logan

Remember baby Hannah who had to have open heart surgery?  This is her now.  She is happy and healthy, and oh, so cute.  She is still small for her age, but she's growing.
Ken and  I recently made a quick trip to Logan.  Blake is a dentist and I needed a filling and Ken needed a crown, so away we went.
This is the living room wall-decorated by Caleb.  Shonna says he's gone through two mega rolls of tape.

We got there after the kids had gone to bed on Wednesday.  One of the first things Lily said to me the next morning,"Do you like my outfit?"  You can see she is quite creative in her dressing

Shonna and Blake have finished their beautiful patio outdoors.  It is large and the kids love riding their bikes out there.

Baby Hannah and her mom


Grandpa and Caleb trying out their paper airplane

Grandpa helped Caleb design an awesome train track.
Before we left on Friday morning, we went on a picnic with Shonna and kids.  It was a beautiful spring day.

It was a short, but sweet visit to Logan.  Thank you Camerons!!!


Joan Morris said...

What cute grandkid pictures. I'm so happy they live close enough for a quick visit.

Pam said...

I can tell those cute grandkids were tickled to have Grandma and Grandpa there to play with them. There is a serious artistic flair going on in that family!

sara cardon said...

Lucky! Love seeing the BD and her darling kiddos! They look great! I like Caleb's face in the last picture of the picnic.;) Looks more like mine!