Saturday, April 19, 2014

The Litigators

The LitigatorsThe Litigators by John Grisham

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I really enjoyed this book. The protagonist, David was moral, likable, and even kind of heroic, but a “real” and average guy. I think it not an accident that his name is David as the theme of the book was “David versus Goliath.” I won’t tell you who wins, but if you like Grisham, you’ll probably like this one. The premise of the book, the colorful ensemble of characters, the humor, and limitless supply of ideas for law suits would make a great weekly television series. “Finley and Figg” would make a great title for the series. You’d need a younger Ed Asner -type to play Finley and a younger Danny Levito- type to play Figg. I was picturing it throughout. Remember, you heard it here first!

View all my reviews

1 comment:

Pal & Hatty said...

Great review! I've read this book and you summed it up nicely!