Sunday, December 9, 2012

Jesus, the Christ

Jesus the ChristJesus the Christ by James E. Talmage

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

My husband and I finished reading this book together about a month ago. I’ve tried many times to write a review of it’s 700+pages, plus extensive footnotes. I had read it once before. We weren’t exactly on the fast track in reading it as it took us about 1 ½ years to read all 700+ pages, including every footnote. How does one review a book of this magnitude and content? It’s impossible. At least I’m finding it to be impossible. I’ve come to the conclusion that only a slick, on the surface review will have to suffice. I hope it’s enough to entice you to read the book in it’s entirety.
I was fascinated to learn that the majority of the book was written inside the Salt Lake City temple. Elder Talmage was asked to write the book by the first presidency of the church. He had been lecturing and teaching about the Savior, and he was asked to write it in book form. He was later called to be an apostle. After his call, he found it nearly impossible to write as he had so many duties. So he was given a room in the temple to work on the project. At the book’s completion, he read the book in it’s entirety to the first presidency in many sessions. Much of it was discussed by the group. To me, this makes it a companion to the scriptures.
I am grateful for this comprehensive work on the life of my Savior, Jesus Christ. I think that part of James Talmage’s life mission was to use his magnificent mind and organization skills and testimony to give to all of us a greater understanding of Jesus, the Christ. I am grateful he fulfilled that mission.

View all my reviews

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Wow. You've convinced me. It sounds amazing. Now to figure out a way to fit it into my schedule. You are a good example - just taking it in small increments to really study rather than just skim the surface.