Thursday, June 28, 2012

Tonight I Caught Grasshoppers

Tonight I caught grasshoppers with my grandson, Nathan in Wisconsin.  No, I'm not in Wisconsin.  But it doesn't seem quite so far away tonight.
First, I talked with Brielle on the phone.  We chatted about the book her mom's reading her and that I'm reading-  Heidi.  Then it was Nathan's turn.  First he read me his "word wall."  His mother is teaching him to read this summer, and he was anxious to read me the words they've posted all over his wall.  Then he read me his little book.  Then he took me outside with his cordless phone and we caught grasshoppers in the cool Wisconsin evening.  "I have one in my hand, Grandma!" He then told me how they would catch grasshoppers and feed them to the toad they caught.  "But my Dad let the toad go while I was asleep. . . and I'm okay with that."  And somehow I felt like I was right there with him.     I express humble gratitude for the miracles of technology that let me catch grasshoppers from so very far away.


Anonymous said...

I love this post, cg

Joan Morris said...

What a cute story. Cell phones and Skype are lifesavers for us long distance grandmas.

Pam said...

A modern miracle - to be able to have those special times with your darling grandkids!