Friday, May 4, 2012

What Did the Prophet Ask Us To Do?

As I always do, I just compiled the list of "to dos" given by our prophet in the Arpil, 2012 conference.  I read the talks, looking for directives.  Sometimes he's quite direct, but usually it starts with  "I urge. . . " or "Let us . . ."  or "May you or your . .  "   I don't claim this to be a "perfect list" or that it includes everything we need to do.  It's just my best attempt at gleaning from his talks the things we need to be working on.  I give this as a visiting teaching handout.  I'm grateful for a prophet!

What Did the Prophet Ask Us To Do?
April, 2012 Conference
Sunday Morning Session
1.“Should there be changes which need to be made in your life, may you find the incentive and the courage to do so as you listen to (and read and study) the inspired words of [conference.]”
2. “May each of us resolve anew to live so that we are worthy sons and daughters of our heavenly Father.
3. “May we continue to oppose evil wherever it is found.”
4. “May we be filled with His Spirit as we partake of the proceedings of this conference.”

Priesthood Session
1.”I urge you to contemplate [your] duties and then do all within your power to fulfill them.”
2. “Let us be worthy to serve.”
3. “There are feet to steady, hands to grasp, minds to encourage, hearts to inspire, and souls to save.”
4. “Let us hearken to the stirring reminder found in the Epistle of James, “Be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only. . . “
5. “Let us be willing and worthy to serve.”
6. “Let us in the performance of our duty follow in the footsteps of the Master.”

Sunday Morning Session
“Come back.  Come up. Come in. Come home, Come unto me.”

Sunday Afternoon Session
1.”May we call upon Him in prayer. . . “
2.”May your homes be filled with love and courtesy and with the Spirit of the Lord. “
3. “Love your families.”
4.”If there are disagreements or contentions among you, I urge you to settle them now.”
5. “May you ponder the truths you have heard (in conference)”

General Young Women Meeting
1.“I counsel you to look to the lighthouse of the Lord.”
2. Believe
            -Believe that you are a daughter of Heavenly Father, that He loves you, and that you are here for a glorious purpose.
            -Believe in the words of the Young women theme
3. Nurture your testimony
            -pray for guidance
            -attend your Church meetings each week (Sundays and weeknight activities)
            - Participate in Seminary
4. Obey
            -Keep your life as free from trouble as you can.
            -“. . . Make every decision you contemplate pass this test:  “What does it do to me?  What does it do for me?”  and let your code of conduct emphasize not “What will others think?”  but rather “What will I think of myself?” 
            -Be influenced by that still, small voice.
            -“ I plead with you to choose to obey.”
5. Endure
            - “Seek Heavenly guidance one dat at a time.  Life by the yard is hard, by the inch is a cinch.”


Pam said...

When I read this wise counsel in a nutshell, I am reminded of a quote I had hanging for a long time in Ogden . . .I think Neil Maxwell said it, but attributed it to someone else.
"Why do we do what we do when we know what we know."
Thanks for summarizing the Prophet's words, Kay. These are great reminders.

Joan Morris said...

I'm so glad you do this!! Thank you!

Pal & Hatty said...

Thanks Kay - This is a wonderful thing to do and I appreciate your work! Now, I just need to take all this wonderful counsel!!