Wednesday, March 14, 2012

I'm Gonna Need Thy Help

My Mantra #1: "I'm Gonna Need Thy Help" or "Please help me!" When I started planning to write mantra blog posts, I hadn't even considered this as being my mantra. I have a list of others, but this wasn't even in my consciousness. But, after reading about mantras, I listened to myself- my self-talk. And this is what I most often repeat in my mind. This is my #1 mantra- and I didn't even know it! I am constantly asking my Heavenly Father for help. I wonder if He's sick of hearing the word "Help!" from me. I say it when I'm heading in to conduct a Keynote or Choir rehearsal, or when I'm trying to get all the groceries in from the car, or when I'm trying to talk myself into going to the gym, or when I'm making a scary phone call, or when I'm going into an uncomfortable social situation, or when I'm going to write a thank you note or blog post, or when I 'm going visiting teaching, or when I'm trying to get the fitted sheet over the corner of the bed, or when I'm in the dental chair, or, or, or . . . . I tell you, it's constant. My life is a prayer. A mantra is an oft-repeated phrase, the purpose of which is to bring about change in oneself. I guess this is an acknowledgment that such change is impossible without Divine help. No matter how hard I try, I am utterly and totally dependent on my Heavenly Father. Therefore, if I'm being completely honest, I have to list this as my #1 mantra. It's not catchy or profound or what I expected to write about at all. But it is what it is: my #1 mantra.
Do you have a mantra to share?


Kristen Mackrory said...

What a beautiful insight into my wonderful mother. No wonder you are so amazing. I am still in the beginning stages of figuring out my mantras. I'll share when I get it figured out. Thank you for sharing yours. I love it!

Pal & Hatty said...

I would have to say that my mantra is very much like your: :"Please help me - I can't do this without you!" That silent prayer got me through walking on ice in Siberia and trying to speak Russian to strangers and it still helps me whenever I face things that are just too big for me to handle alone. Looking back at my life, I realize that those words were in my heart all during my child rearing years as well! Call it a mantra or a silent prayer - it really does help!

Pam said...

Recently, in a Relief Society lesson, we were asked to write down our creed on a little piece of paper that the teacher passed out. We didn't have to share them, they were just for us. I wrote down three creeds. "I believe in looking for the good in everyone and to try not to judge, leaving that to God."
I hope it can be said on my tombstone, "She was slow, but she was good."
and, "I know in my deepest fiber that God loves me."
And I concur with you, Kay, and you, Patty, that Heavenly Father has heard my "Help!" prayer before everything I do. I am completely dependent on Him!