Tuesday, October 15, 2024

My Pet Peeve: Acronyms

 Is it just me or have you noticed a marked increase in the use of acronyms in our society.  Whether I'm listening to someone talk or reading something, I am constantly googling acronyms.  I have to admit it has become one of my pet peeves.

Monday, October 14, 2024

Will the Circle Be Unbroken?


Will the Circle Be Unbroken?: A Memoir of Learning to Believe You’re Gonna Be OkayWill the Circle Be Unbroken?: A Memoir of Learning to Believe You’re Gonna Be Okay by Sean Dietrich
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I really like this author. This is his poignant and most memorable autobiography. It is story of love, loss, and forgiveness. It is read in the audio version by the author- Sean of the South. It is his story and you feel his emotion. 5 stars from me.

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A Night to Remember


A Night to RememberA Night to Remember by Walter Lord
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This book is an accounting of the night the Titanic sank. It was published in 1955 and contains first person interviews of over 60 people that were involved in that tragedy. The author takes us through that fateful night in a minute-by-minute account, using quotes from those survivors. It is a sad story, but for some reason, I am so interested in it. I have been to Titanic museums in Belfast, Ireland and Halifax, Nova Scotia and read, I think, three books about it. This one tells about the rescue of the survivors and the aftermath of the tragedy, which I hadn’t learned much about before. It is a terrible tragedy in the world’s history.

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Monday, October 7, 2024

Ken and Friends Hike Pine Valley Mountain

 Ken and these friends (Kurtis and Dave) have hiked together for years.  They recently decided to tackle Pine Valley Mountain, Mill Canyon Trail.

The fall colors were beautiful

Other than Kurtis taking a tumble and cracking a rib, they had a wonderful day together doing what they love.  

Friday, October 4, 2024

Happy Birthday Miss Jones

 Saturday Evening Post cover March 17, 1956.

Rockwell intended this painting to be a tribute to his own eighth-grade teacher who had encouraged him to draw. Gathering a local model and students, Rockwell used a real grammar school classroom in Stockbridge as his reference.

Sunday, September 29, 2024

Stake Presidency Farewell

 This stake presidency served together nine years and were released in 2013. How we all love each other!  It was such a great, congenial group.  We recently went out to dinner together as a farewell to the Snyders who are moving out of state. How we will miss them. We have frequently enjoyed dinners together since their release.

Lymans (stake president), Stromness (stake clerk), Snyders (2nd counselor), and Hintons (1st counselor.) Missing are the Bagleys who served as the executive secretary.  Brother Bagley passed away a couple of years ago.  
Friendships are strong when we serve together.  How we love these dear people!

Saturday, September 28, 2024

Such an Exciting Game

 September 21st BYU vs Kansas State Football game at Lavell Edwards Stadium was So exciting.  I don't intend to post about all of the games, but this one was truly one of the best games we have ever watched.  Just before the half we started scoring and then continued the trend as the half-time ended.  We just couldn't believe what was happening.  It is so fun to watch with Ken as he is jumping and running right along with the players.

Our beautiful granddaughter was part of the ROC (Roar of Cougars) that made such a difference in this game.  They were so loud.

With her cute roommate.

Go Cougars!

Friday, September 27, 2024

Visit from an Owl

 Our next-door neighbor posted on Facebook that an owl was perched in our backyard tree all day.  They sleep in the day, choosing a different perch each day.  We were happy this Great-Horned Owl chose our tree this day.

Thursday, September 26, 2024

Gabe is Baptized

 I drove up from St. George on Friday and Ken drove from Boise and we met at Blake and Shonna's in Logan on September 6th.  Gabe was baptized by his father the next morning.

The whole supportive crew.

Ken gave a talk on the Holy Ghost at the service and I played the piano for the family to "The Liahona."
Blogger won't import videos.  I wish I could play it for you.  They sounded so beautiful.  
After the baptism, we went to Shonna's house for a barbecue and party.

Best friend cousins.

Blake and Shonna have really fixed up their back yard.  It is a playground with a hot tub, wave swimming pool, weight room, sauna, ice bath, trampoline, foosball table, basketball hoop, fire pit, and lots of space to run and play.

This picture is out of order, but on Sunday I taught Hannah and Gabe how to find names on family search.

Caleb and Lily just got phones for the first time, so they set up a cousin chat with all of the cousins who have phones and had so much fun chatting.

The wave pool.

Grandpa Cameron

Our gift to Gabe

The cousins have so much fun together.

I love this picture so much with the beautiful sunset.

We stayed through the weekend.  We had dental appointments on Monday morning, then drove home separately, but together.  Ken had trouble with his bike rack.  The strap broke.  He had to completely disassemble the bike and put it in his car.  And he did it pouring rain!!!  But we made it home safely.  It was a wonderful weekend.